About your teacher Penny Pettman

My own love affair with Yoga started initially around 2001 when I was going through a particularly difficult emotional upheaval.  Yoga was my lifeline, giving me discipline and structure, and back when I was still finding my way spiritually, I was especially pleased at how quickly it helped me reshape my body.  Subsequently in my late 20’s I felt and looked better than I ever had in my younger days. 
It was only about 8 years ago that I suddenly found the spiritual side of Yoga.  It happened quite by chance.  Initially I’d only been interested in the physical benefits, but one day I suddenly noticed that I could really feel how the practice was opening something more energetic and ethereal in me.  I started to breathe differently, and my focus turned more inward, I revelled in the ‘space’ each breath and each movement was making in my body.   And just like that, a new passion and love developed.
As a child, I had always been insatiably curious about people and being an Empath and Clair Sentient; I could deeply feel the physical, emotional and energetic plights of those around me.  My parents’ work involved counselling and psychotherapy, so perhaps through osmosis, I grew up with a heightened level of awareness about the individuality of each person.  It is of great amusement to my father (and childhood friends) that I am now teaching Kundalini Yoga, as my own Dad used to practice it when I was around 9 years old.   I would usher my friends quickly upstairs past all the Indian Yogic Posters on the wall, embarrassed by my Dad’s chanting of Om Namah Shivaya (haha look at me now).
I took a different path than my parents to begin with, wanting to give myself a financial stability that had been missing for them.  However, in 2009 I left the high-powered corporate job that was slowly killing me.  I had been financially successful but I was nowhere near living my authentic truth. I had known I was off-kilter for a few years but I could not see a way out, sadly a story these days that so many of my clients resonate with. 
In 2007 I had an opportunity to return to my studies of NLP and Psychology whilst  still in my corporate job.  It re-kindled my interest in understanding the unique way we all construct our inner world; how we form our beliefs and values, which then ultimately drive our interactions with others.  It soon became very clear to me that my real career interest lay in utilising these skills to assist others, by enabling them to challenge their emotional and psychological blocks they felt held back by. I knew then I had to leave the corporate world, so after further extensive study I started my Life Coaching business as a Feminine Empowerment and Wellbeing Coach
I completed my Master Practitioner’s in NLP, Life-Coaching and Hypnosis with Christopher Howard in Nov 2007, TFT algorithm training in 2009 with Callahan Techniques®, Life Mastery in Fiji with Athony Robbins, Reiki in 2010 and both Heart Intelligence with Christian Pankhurst and Fearless Feminine Presence with Rachel-Jane Groover in 2012
After many more knocks which I have gone into on the main ‘De-Vine Spirit’ website, my love for personal growth and development led me on a journey to discovering Kambo and Sacred Plant Medicine (Ayahausca).  In 2018 I journeyed to the jungle to partake in the Sacred rituals and found an incredible love for the revered plant Banisteriopsis Caapi, which heals all manner of ills from mind, body and spirit as well as assisting people to commune with a higher consciousness. 
The information and ‘downloads’ I got from that experience subsequently directed me to create ‘De-Vine Spirit’, named after the powerful sacred ‘vine’, which is full of alkaloids responsible for neuro-genesis.  I now sell (in over 25 countries), these little bottles of potent Caapi in micro-dosing form which are helping people relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as increasing their creativity and focus, (for further information click here)
It was also during the sacred ceremonies that I got the strong message to study Kundalini more deeply and become a teacher of the practices.  Having learned to follow this guidance that pops up, I gladly went off to India for just over a month to further my studies of Kundalini Yoga, and being taught by traditional Masters, qualified as a Teacher last year.  I am overjoyed that I did because I am hugely passionate about this practice and it has somehow pulled everything that I have ever learned into one cohesive understanding.
Yoga has been in my life for decades in some way, shape or form.  In 2016 I also fell in love with Acro-Yoga, attending a few residential week long workshops, but sadly these days I barely get time to practice and my Acro-buddy is off galavanting in my footsteps ;). 
One day I would dearly love to combine my love for Yoga; Emotional Wellbeing; gorgeously Healthful Food and Animals… Goat Yoga retreat???  Yes this might well be a thing, so make sure you sign up for notifications, because the speed at which my life moves, this could be something that might happen within the next blink of an eye ;P
Thank you for reading my page and I look forward to being your guide on your own delicious journey of awakening and discovery <3