by | May 7, 2023
Come and join us for another divinely inspired evening of soulful nourishment for the delightfully named ‘Strawberry’ Full Moon on Sunday June 4th. This Full Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, which is all about expanding our horizons, inner growth and wisdom. Just...
by | Feb 20, 2023
This candlelit evening retreat brings a sense of sacredness; time-out in nurturing space to just ‘be’ and to reflect, all amongst other like-minded souls within an amplified field of conscious awareness. The Spring Equinox is a perfect time to regain balance and...
by | Jan 22, 2023
Love & Connection isn’t just for Valentines day  Sunday 19th Feb marks the end of the official ‘week of love’, so in this super snuggly mini retreat, we will be reminding ourselves just how good it is to put our self-care first. What even is...
by | Nov 12, 2022
As the frenetic pace of the festive season draws close to its crescendo, what could be better than snuggling up in a soothing magical haven of tranquilly. Recharge your batteries with deep, healing rest and a soulful, nourishing sense of community to prepare for the...
by | Nov 12, 2022
I would love you to join me for this ‘last of the year’, super nourishing Full Moon Mini Retreat. As this Gemini moon is ruled under the element of ‘Air’ (which is also the element of the Heart Chakra), this retreat is going to be focussed on beautiful...