This candle-light evening retreat brings a sense of sacredness; time-out in nurturing space to just ‘be’ and to reflect, all amongst other like-minded souls within an amplified field of conscious awareness.
The Spring Equinox is a perfect time to regain balance and harmony in our lives; a powerful opportunity to release the old, and sow seeds for what we would most love to create in our world. And, we get to harness the energy of the most ‘powerful manifesting dates of the year’ to do it in <3
In many cultures the Spring Equinox is known as the true New Year, when day and night are of equal hours, and the sun begins to return to its full power, flooding our Northern Hemisphere with light. In this new age of Aquarius, this light is bringing forth a deepening awareness and a further awakening of consciousness. It is also a time to balance the Feminine and the Masculine energies.
Your evening retreat will include:
💓Being guided in a ‘mediation ritual’ to help you reflect on the balance you currently have in your life and help you identify where to focus attention.
💓Sacred time to journal, prompted by the meditation, some thought provoking questions and the use of oracle cards if desired.
💓Whether this is your first time or your 100th, partake of our bliss inducing ‘Food of the Gods’ Ceremonial Cacao to open the Heart Chakra <3
💓Plant seeds of manifestation in a magical Spring Equinox manifestation ritual (both literally and figuratively)
💓Snuggle down and prepare to be taken on a magical journey of sound with the Gong and Singing Bowls.. All of this and more to be shared in our sacred nurturing space…
As always there will be time at the end to relax in gentle contemplation with gluten free cakes, herbal teas with an array of Oracle decks. You will also get to take your ‘real’ planted seed home to continue to nurture if you wish, or to give away to another if you desire. The intention of the ritual is enough in and of itself.